Air France, Airline Tickets
Naver Mobile, Kakao Bizboard, Blind App
Mobile Banner Advertising Campaign

2021 was a year when many airlines were aggressively marketing as the travel market, which had been stagnant since the pandemic, began to recover. Air France, a leading European airline, was no exception.
Air France needed a way to attract potential customers considering purchasing airline tickets to its channels. To do so, it joined hands with AvocadoGiant, a digital integrated marketing agency, to conduct a digital advertising campaign.
What strategies did Air France and AvocadoGiant deploy in the face of the critical issue of sales recovery?
Air France Mobile Banner DA Marketing Strategy
Air France wanted to introduce special airfares to major cities for customers looking for the sky, and it urgently needed a means to spread this to as many people as possible. AvocadoGiant quickly launched integrated mobile banner DA ads with the goal of maximizing ad exposure and reach.
French airline Air France (Source: Air France)
1️⃣ It utilized the Naver travel section, Naver mobile integrated banner, and Kakao Bizboard banner ads, which are excellent for travel-related communication, to appeal to travel-interested targets.
2️⃣ After the Naver mobile ads ended, it ran an end banner ad for the Blind app, a community for office workers, targeting office workers who need to make vacation plans.
It was the result of thinking about how to appeal to potential customers most efficiently.
Air France x Naver Travel Section Banner, Kakao Biz Board Banner Ad
Air France Naver Travel Section DA Advertisement /
KakaoTalk Biz Board Banner Advertisement
First, in November 2021, we utilized Naver and KakaoTalk platforms to promote French travel products without self-quarantine restrictions.
We ran banner advertisements in the Naver Travel section, where people visit to find travel information, and Biz Board banner advertisements on the national messenger KakaoTalk. It was an airline DA advertisement with clear targeting and intuitiveness.
Air France x Naver Mobile Integrated Banner, Blind App Exit Banner Advertisement
Air France Naver Mobile Integrated Banner Advertisement
Air France Naver Mobile Integrated Banner Advertisement
March 2022, we used Naver Mobile integrated banner ads, which have the highest exposure probability, to promote a special 800,000 won round trip ticket to Paris. This strategy was so effective that it achieved high results, more than doubling the target figure.
Air France Blind App End Banner Advertisement
In May, when the Naver Mobile integrated banner advertisement ended, we used the Blind App End Banner Advertisement, a community for office workers, targeting office workers who need to make vacation plans in advance.
We promoted the 100% changeable airline tickets through the banner to encourage many people to see Air France’s special offers.
As overseas travel demand continued to increase after the second half of 2022, Air France and Avocado Giant continued to run portal DA advertisements to promote special promotions.
As a result, we were able to successfully conclude the DA advertisement campaign with clear targeting, hooking elements, and intuitive exposure strategies.
More details can be found
in the blog below!