Bayer Korea, Berocca, Englishman,

YouTube PPL and TrueView Ads

Before influencer marketing became as popular as it is today, traditional advertisements like TV commercials, newspaper ads, and outdoor advertising were considered the norm. However, with the rise of YouTube, the landscape has completely changed. There has been a growing demand for influencer marketing, which people can naturally accept and enjoy, rather than traditional, formulaic ads.
This trend has been particularly prominent in consumer goods sectors like fashion and food. But what about the pharmaceutical sector, where credibility is crucial and marketing has traditionally relied on TV commercials and newspaper ads?
Effervescent Vitamin Berocca Pharmaceutical Influencer Marketing Strategy
Effervescent Vitamin Berocca
(Source: Bayer Korea)
As one of Bayer Korea’s flagship products sold in pharmacies, Effervescent Vitamin Berocca had a relatively older consumer base. Bayer Korea aimed to expand its customer base and increase sales, necessitating a marketing strategy tailored to the 20s and 30s demographic.
Avocado Giant, an influencer marketing agency,

proposed Bayer Korea’s first influencer marketing campaign:
1. At a time when influencer marketing was still unfamiliar, they simultaneously utilized three influencers
to actively reach out to the 20s and 30s demographic, who frequently watch YouTube.
2. They created YouTube videos highlighting the brand’s key features and the situations where the product would be beneficial.
To achieve this, Avocado Giant selected YouTube channels popular among the 20s and 30s and
varied the content structure to maximize brand exposure to this target audience.
Berocca X Englishman YouTube PPL
Englishman Berocca PPL
(Source: Englishman YouTube)
The first influencer Berocca chose was YouTuber Englishman, known for his entertaining videos and highly loyal subscribers. At the time, Englishman had one of the largest subscriber bases in Korea, with high view counts that significantly boosted Berocca’s brand awareness.
Englishman YouTube Ad
(Source: Englishman YouTube)
Avocado Giant captured behind-the-scenes footage of Josh and Ollie, showcasing the moments fans were most curious about.
After a tough shoot, we created a video featuring the easy-to-take effervescent vitamin Berocca, showing how it recharges energy anytime, anywhere. This video was a major success, achieving approximately 1.3 million views.
Berocca X Englishman YouTube TrueView Ad
But that wasn’t the end! Avocado Giant, the influencer marketing company, repurposed this video to reach an even wider audience. They ran it as a YouTube TrueView ad, ensuring it appeared when the 20s and 30s demographic clicked on other popular YouTube channels.
By running YouTube PPL and YouTube ads simultaneously, they increased ad efficiency, ensuring that not only the subscribers of the Englishman channel but also other YouTube enthusiasts in their 20s and 30s were exposed to Berocca content at least once.
More details can be found
in the blog below!